benazir income support programme news

The Benazir Income Support Programme (BISP) has been a crucial lifeline for millions of impoverished households in Pakistan. Launched in July 2008, BISP has grown to become one of the country’s largest social safety nets, providing essential financial assistance to the underprivileged. Here, we delve into the latest developments and news regarding BISP in 2024.

Current Financial Assistance in 2024

In 2024, BISP continues to provide monthly financial assistance to eligible families. The amount, set at PKR 2,500 per family, aims to help cover essential needs such as food, clothing, and healthcare. This initiative primarily targets female heads of households, underscoring the program’s commitment to women’s empowerment.

Tackling Corruption and Fraud


Despite its noble objectives, BISP faces significant challenges, particularly related to corruption and fraud. These issues undermine the program’s effectiveness and credibility. Here’s a detailed look at the main problems:

Fake ID Registrations

Corrupt individuals exploit loopholes in the BISP system to register fake identities. These fraudulent entries are used to claim financial assistance, diverting funds away from genuine beneficiaries.

Ghost Beneficiaries

The issue of ghost beneficiaries—non-existent individuals listed as recipients—remains prevalent. Corrupt officials or middlemen often pocket the disbursed funds meant for these ghost beneficiaries. In some cases, actual beneficiaries are forced to return a portion of their assistance as a “commission.”

Collusion and Bribery

Collusion between corrupt officials and fraudsters exacerbates the problem. Bribes are exchanged to ensure fake IDs are processed and approved, draining the program’s resources and fostering a culture of corruption.

Government Efforts to Combat Corruption

The Pakistani government has implemented several measures to enhance transparency and accountability within BISP:

Biometric Verification

One significant step is the introduction of biometric verification for beneficiaries. This system requires beneficiaries to provide fingerprints or other biometric data, matched against national databases to ensure authenticity.

Regular Audits and Monitoring

BISP has increased the frequency and rigor of its audits. Regular audits are conducted to identify discrepancies and irregularities in the disbursement of funds.

Public Awareness Campaigns

To combat fraud and corruption, BISP has launched public awareness campaigns to educate beneficiaries about their rights and the proper procedures for receiving assistance.

Recent Developments in BISP


Online Application Process

In 2024, BISP introduced an online application process to streamline registration and reduce opportunities for corruption. Applicants can now submit their details through the official BISP website, ensuring a more efficient and transparent system.

Collaboration with Financial Institutions

BISP has partnered with various financial institutions to facilitate the seamless disbursement of funds. For instance, JazzCash is working with BISP to ensure the efficient distribution of financial assistance.

Legal Actions Against Corruption

benazir income support programme payment

BISP has taken legal actions against retailers and officials involved in fraudulent activities. For example, in Shangla district, over 10 retailers involved in illegal deductions have been blacklisted, with funds recovered and returned to deserving beneficiaries.

Recent BISP Developments

March 2024Legal Actions in Shangla DistrictBlacklisting of over 10 retailers involved in illegal deductions
June 2024Online Application Process IntroducedApplicants can submit details through the official BISP website
July 2024Collaboration with JazzCashEnsuring efficient distribution of financial assistance
August 2023Record Budget ApprovalBISP Board approves a record Rs. 471 billion budget for FY 2023-24
Jan 2023First Quarterly Installment ReleaseRs. 7000 per family to 7.7 million families
May 2024Introduction of New Payment MechanismsBeneficiaries given options to receive money in bank accounts of choice

In-depth Questions and Answers

What are the key challenges facing BISP in 2024?

Corruption and Fraud

Corruption and fraud are significant challenges for BISP. The registration of fake identities and the presence of ghost beneficiaries divert funds from genuine recipients. Collusion between officials and fraudsters exacerbates these issues.

Financial Sustainability

Ensuring the financial sustainability of BISP is crucial. With rising inflation and an increasing number of beneficiaries, the program requires continuous financial support to maintain its effectiveness.

Technological Implementation

Implementing technological solutions like biometric verification and online applications is essential. However, ensuring these systems are user-friendly and accessible to all beneficiaries, especially those in remote areas, remains a challenge.

How does BISP empower women?

Financial Independence

BISP targets female heads of households, providing them with financial assistance that fosters economic independence. This financial support enables women to meet their families’ basic needs and contribute to household income.

Social Empowerment

By focusing on women, BISP promotes social empowerment. Financial independence allows women to play a more active role in their communities and make decisions that impact their families’ well-being.

Educational Opportunities

BISP also provides conditional cash transfers for education. This initiative encourages families to send their children, especially girls, to school, promoting gender equality in education.

What measures has the government taken to enhance transparency in BISP?

Biometric Verification

The government has introduced biometric verification to ensure the authenticity of beneficiaries. This system matches beneficiaries’ biometric data with national databases, eliminating fake identities.

Regular Audits

Regular audits and monitoring are conducted to identify discrepancies and irregularities in fund disbursement. These audits help maintain accountability and transparency within the program.

Public Awareness Campaigns

Public awareness campaigns educate beneficiaries about their rights and the proper procedures for receiving assistance. These campaigns help prevent fraud and ensure that beneficiaries receive their full entitlement.

What is the future outlook for BISP?

Expansion and Innovation

BISP aims to expand its reach and innovate its services. The introduction of online applications and partnerships with financial institutions are steps towards a more efficient and transparent system.

Financial Sustainability

Ensuring financial sustainability is crucial. The government needs to secure continuous funding and adjust financial assistance to account for inflation and the rising cost of living.

Tackling Corruption

Ongoing efforts to tackle corruption and fraud are essential. Implementing robust verification systems and increasing the frequency of audits will help maintain the program’s integrity.


The Benazir Income Support Programme remains a beacon of hope for millions of impoverished households in Pakistan. Despite facing significant challenges such as corruption and fraud, BISP continues to provide essential financial assistance to those in need. The government’s efforts to enhance transparency and accountability, coupled with innovations in service delivery, are steps in the right direction. For more information or to apply for assistance, please contact us through our official channels.

By addressing the needs of the underprivileged and promoting women’s empowerment, BISP plays a crucial role in alleviating poverty in Pakistan. Continuous support and innovative solutions will ensure that BISP remains an effective social safety net for years to come.

Feel free to contact us for more detailed information and assistance regarding the Benazir Income Support Programme.

By Aamer Khan Lodhi

Top-Rated Freelancer | Digital Marketer | Blogger | SEO

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