What is freelancing? Everyone wants to know the exact answer to this. What is freelancing meaning in Urdu is another part of the same question. First of all, we come to the point that:
What is freelance?
According to the definition of the Oxford English Dictionary:
“Freelance means earning money by selling your work or services to several different organizations rather than being employed by one particular organization”. Similarly, in Urdu:
freelance in a sense is a word that indicates a type of work that one person does for a short term or temporarily.
What is Freelancing in Urdu?
However, freelancing meaning in Urdu is a different thing from its parent topic. Freelancing is a state in which a person sells his/her professional skills and abilities on the internet through different platforms and earns liveliness from this. In Urdu one may say:

All this work we do online through the internet.
Who is a freelancer?
One may have confusion about who is a freelancer. The answer to this question is very easy. A freelancer is a person who does all these activities and uses this as a profession. Surely, freelancing is also a profession like all other businesses. One person, as an individual or with a community may run this business.

Moreover, there are a lot of opportunities for the young generation in this newly emerging field. They can not only earn a handsome amount, but also a great reputation among the business community of a country. Although this is a computer-related field and there are mostly computer sciences or IT graduates in this field but anyone having a skill that he can present to his clients can do this work regardless of his specific education or qualification.
Freelancing platforms in Pakistan:
Many of us often get confused about how to earn online and what are the specific platforms for online earning. We cannot do anything just open Google and do a search on it. For this purpose, we need some platforms that can be used for online earning. Some of them are the following:
Upwork is the most appropriate answer to our question of freelancing meaning in Urdu. This platform is a life changer for freelancers. We can simply make a profile on Upwork and can apply for jobs he wants. There are members on Upwork from over 180 countries and millions of jobs are posted every year.
Fivver is another renowned platform for freelancing. There are a lot of clients who visit fiver to find the services of their own choice. One can simply by filling up the profile get an account on fiver. Nevertheless, one has to wait for some time to get his first client on fiver. There are millions of people in the world who use this platform for purchases and selling.

Most of us daily use blindly this site. This is not a site for sharing images, posts, videos, or much more. We can also use this site as a freelance platform. Since many of us don’t know the professional use of Facebook, so I would like to explain it. We can create a page in our account and we can add our business products on that page by next adding ads. Again if we don’t have our own products, then we can use this platform for our clients as well.
YouTube is also a big platform for freelancing in Pakistan. We can upload anything on it and can earn a lot. Even our topic, freelancing meaning in Urdu is also available on YouTube. We need to create our own channel and proper keyword research for this. We can upload any of our skill videos and can earn money after a specific time.
In the end, we may say that freelance meaning in Urdu is simply to earn money online by sitting in our drawing-room by working for national or international clients.